Security Specialist Superbadge 2022

You might have noticed that the Security Specialist has gone through a complete overhaul recently. As I like to try to keep up to date with the badges, especially those that need to be done by Admins (one of my key training audience groups), it was time to tackle this monster badge.

I have created a trailmix for this Superbadge as I thought the existing Superbadge is a nightmare to follow. Feel free to use it.

It contains the badges you need to unlock the superbadges as well as all the Superbadges.

To start with, let’s scope out the badge.

  • 6 “normal” badges to unlock all the Superbadges – 6 hrs
  • 3 superbadges to unlock the superbadge

Superbadge 1: User Authentication Specialist Superbadge

  •          3 units to unlock this badge
  •          Superbadge – 1 hr
  •          Each unit 1 hr
  •          Total hours: 4

Superbadge 2: Security Governance

  •          2 units to unlock this badge
  •          Superbadge – 1 hr
  •          Each unit 1 hr
  •          Total hours: 3

Superbadge 3: User Access

  •          3 units to unlock this badge
  •           Superbadge – 1 hr
  •          Each unit 1 hr
  •          Total hours: 4

Final Security Superbadge – 1 hr

So after 18 hours you have added 12 Superbadges to your list!

Not bad!

So my thoughts on all of the badges, and no, no detailed pointers as you the whole purpose of Superbadges is testing your experience and knowledge

Superbadge 1: User Authentication Specialist Superbadge

Yeah, that one is tough. This one took me the longest as I had quite some challenges to overcome. The top tip I can give here is read the steps and pop up screens. Don’t go by intuition or auto pilot. But check what you are doing. Sometimes easier said than done 😊

The other tip here is look at the badges related to the topics and use the as guide whilst you are completing the different steps. That really helps if you don’t know or remember how to do everything in detail.

Superbadge 2: Security Governance

Read the fine print and you are ok. Not difficult to do any of the units.

Superbadge 3: User Access

I found this one the easiest and most straightforward one. As an experienced admin or developer this should be the quickest one to complete

So what is my overall thoughts?

The good thing it is now broken down in my sub steps. So if you get stuck you can go to a different unit and go back to the unit you are stuck with another day.

As it is broken down in units, it is easier to spread over multiple days.

The nice thing is that once you have done the units, the Superbadges are all quizzes. Great way to test your knowledge!

The downside. Well, you end up with 12 orgs. For each unit you have to create a new org. That is a bit tedious, but then again, if you make a mistake, you can start a new org and don’t actually have to do everything again. Only that part of the unit you are working on.

Two final comments:

  1. Have a notepad to track which username / login credentials you are using for which Unit.
  2. Keep track of all the changes you are making. In some units you have to tick / untick lots of settings, so keep track of what you do. So that if you go wrong, you can reverse what you have done.

Hope this helps in tackling the Security Superbadge 2022!

Good luck and have fun!

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