The Day that was London Calling 2021

What a fantastic day! All hats of to the organisers for creating such a great day, with lots of interesting sessions. All the hard work really showed off in the smooth running of the event.

As all sessions were pre-recorded, there were no issues with overrunning, disconnections, lag or unexpected distractions like cats running past the presenter! For me it was the first time using the Attendify app, and I have to say I am really impressed by it. Being able to run the sessions with chat on the laptop whilst at the same time on the phone app follow the main activity, enhanced the immersion into the day.

Of course, I missed the real in person interaction that you normally get with these events. But I have to say not having to fight through London rush hour, watching all from the comfy spot on the sofa (instead of awkward conference seats) and not queueing for toilets and food have it benefits. Plus of course, being able to wear joggers and tshirt instead of suiting up was an additional bonus.

We can’t talk London Calling without discussing my own session. This was the first time to present to such a large and varied audience. Knowing the fierce competition on topics and expert presenters, I was not sure how many people would join my session. Saying I was blown over by the audience is an understatement. Around 100 people where there!

Getting live feedback and questions was really great. When you are presenting, you normally just want to go with the flow and don’t have time to interact with people. Being pre-recorded meant I could spend time in chat talking with people.

This session really has given me a kick to do this more often. Just need to keep coming up with interesting topics to share!

Connie Caricature London Calling 2021

Towards the end I did manage to join the Brightgen Room where a fantastic artist made a lovely caricature. Very appropriate to refer to my session.

With that, I cannot wait for London Calling 2022. Hopefully we can do in person. But I do hope that part of it stays online. It will give people who cannot travel or for whom in person is out of budget, the chance to join in. I hope other event organisers paid close attention and pick up the high standard this team has delivered!

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