The year that was 2020

What a weird, amazing year this has been. All started well, with lots of projects and work planned. Many weeks of travelling to look forward to, to deliver training in the USA.

And then came March and everything changed. Luckily I am used to work from home so have a nice office set up. Thankfully with quick adaptions to online delivery, training was able to go on.

But the longer COVID was lingering, the more severe it become, the more work was cancelled. As companies stopped working, so does training for employees. Although you would think downtime would help actually do training as there is time. But revenue constrains dictated otherwise.

Although I had made tons of plans to do stuff, I think, like many others, just being at home so much and not being able to go out, plays tricks with the mind. Plans were made, then changed or cancelled. Keeping busy learning and coaching has helped in staying sane and in contact with people.

Then towards the end of the year things started to change a bit.

Some clarity on Brexit started to appear. Yes, there is a deal. But, as they say, the devil is in the details. No one knows exactly the impact. It seems for now lots more paperwork to look forward to and extra costs for travel.

We started to see some sun appearing behind the clouds towards the end of the year. Vaccines and new ways of working made companies plan for 2021. And with it training demand is coming back again.

I also started to get plans together to kickstart 2021 with a better plan. Making it more realistic, putting a reward system in place and marking sure someone keeps me accountable hopefully all helps in started the year strong!

However, I will be glad when it is midnight on the 31st December. We can close off the year and hopefully ring in a better year.

Time will tell though and I think business will still need more time to adapt. Travel will be off for a while, until vaccines are rolled out and done.

In the meantime, I will work on my skills, certifications, keep coaching and work on projects.

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