Yes! Another certification in the bag!
I am not doing certifications often as I am specialised as a trainer and have not had a need to get more certifications. As we weren’t able to go out much over the last couple of months, what better way to spend your time then learning something new.
So my first new cert in a while is the Platform App Builder one. I have to say I found studying for it far harder then the actual exam. Not sure if that is down to age 🙂 or everything else going on. But it took a while for some of the new topics to sink in.
Having a lot of experience on the admin side, I did see a lot of overlap which made the overall study a lot easier. Also the exam questions for some of the topics you normally see in the Admin exam where far easier for App Builder.
The new topics were interesting and I think very beneficial for any admin to get more knowledge on. Relationships, external objects, flows and sandboxes are all areas that you get to know as an admin but not always know the details about. Knowing more about them will definitely make you are more allround admin without having to go into to possible challening world of developers.
To pass the exam I used a combination of Trailhead and Focus on Force. Focus on Force has a great study guide with lots of details and links to enhance your knowledge. In addition the exams in there will help you test your knowledge and understand where you need to focus on more.
Overall, great to have another one on the list. Trying to go for Sales Cloud Consultant next.

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